26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Peer Evaluation 2


Hi Aybüke,
I agree with you about taekwondo. It can be a good choice for you and, also, learning one of the martial arts is very beneficial for people. When I was in 4th grade I started to Karate-Do. In contrast to taekwondo, Karate-Do is a defence sport, but I think Karate is also one of the best martial arts and I have 5 medals. You wrote well but you should tell the story to us, not to the taekwondo club, I think. You wrote, for example, “I want to join you”. Second point is the height of the paragraph. I think, you can write long and there are many points that you can explain. I wish you would fix them. Bests.

Umut Çağrı Işılak

Peer Evaluation 1


Hi Berkay,

I think you expressed all the emotions in our minds with these paragraphs, because most of the students in METU have these feelings. Your writing style is great, because there is no disconnection between sentences. That's why I felt like I am reading in Turkish. I didn't see any grammar mistakes in your writing, which is good for you and the readers, us. Moreover, I think, you should write “is not” instead of “isn’t” in order to get used to formal and academic way. Although I said to you these sentences, I did the same mistakes in reflections and, also, in this writing. J I hope you can improve more your writing style, but it is already great. J
Umut Çağrı Işılak

Free Reflection

Umut Çağrı Işılak
FLE 133.02
Free Reflection
Time has a definite influence over lifestyles of individuals which leads to a change of tastes to them. We all know that older generation have different hobbies as compared to their younger counterpart. However, all these are changing in today’s world because of the changing world and the developing technology.
The advancements in technology over the time has affected the lifestyles of citizens of society to a greater extent. It created many differences between the old generations and today’s generations. In the past, people hadn’t so many hobbies because people didn’t have complex things in their lives. The most complex hobbies of them are simple things for today’s people. They are the things like collecting stamps and coins, and visiting peaceful places, for example .On the contrary, these days people have many complex devices like mobile phones or other technological devices. Because of these improvements on technology, all people have become addicted to phones and computers. That’s why, they are interested in achieving higher scores on online games than their friends. Another example of the influence of the technological era is the collection and possession of electronics and other expensive things. In today’s world, even the poorest person have a smart phone, because these are become natural things for them. They want to become a part of the international culture, so they acquire such hobbies from their peers or the media, which makes them feel more acceptable and appreciated among their friends and society.

In general, society is not much aware of its interests and is imitating what they see or listen to in their atmosphere. Hobbies are an important part of a person's life, so they should be chosen and developed carefully, it can also become a profession later in life.

Reflection Task 3

Umut Çağrı Işılak
FLE 133.02
Reflection Task 3
     If I will choose the person of the year, I look the criteria in humanistic ways. For example, whether he/she help people or not, or if he/she is rich, I look whether he/she donate for somebody who needs money. I mean, generally, I look for how he/she makes an effort for today’s world and people.
     I think the person of the year should be Cristiano Ronaldo, soccer player for Real Madrid. Because of the place and time where he grew up, he did great things for years, and this year he continued to do the great works. Cristiano’s behaviours based on the place where he grew up, his economic class and the culture he grew up in. He grew up in a poor area in Portugal in which he had to work very hard to make money and survive. Moreover, Cristiano doesn’t use alcohol because he said that his father died because of alcohol. This shows the loyal side of Cristiano. That’s why he tries to be a perfect father for his son. Then, he helped the Palestinians who were in war. There are more examples and I want to talk about them. Carlos Tevez, old team friend of Cristiano Ronaldo, told it: “I asked the whole team for surgeon money for my son. No one said nothing, but the next day I found money in my account for surgeon which was given by Cristiano. In addition, he helped a lot of children who need money for surgeon. He does these helps without any questioning, because he loves children and he remembers how he grew up. These are just what we heard from media. Maybe, there are many things Cristiano did, but we don’t know. As well as, maybe, the best person, he is one the best soccer players in the world, because he never give up working. The reason for his great work ethic is his early success as a player. In his teens and early twenties, by working hard, Cristiano won many trophies, personal awards and was paid very well.
     In conclusion, he is not only a good person but also he is a hardworking soccer player. I didn’t hear a bad side of Cristiano from the media till now. That’s why he can be a candidate for the person of the year.


Reflection Task 2b

Umut Çağrı Işılak
FLE 133.02
Reflection Task 2B
     Because of my endless love to this series, I chose Shameless. Shameless is about a family story who live in a suburb neighbourhood of Chicago with 6 children and 1 father. This story tells the combination of drama and comedy of the Gallagher family. They are such an incredible family that they don’t have any kind of shame, decency and fear. In this family, everyone lives his/her own family, but everyone has to save her/himself. However, when a member of this family needs something, Gallagher family works like a team.
     When we look the technical side, filming process is really great. Although the staff consist of young actors, acting of each player is flawless. The series is so real that it is impossible to publish the full version in TV. In each episode, directors have to cut the 2-3 minutes of episode. These scenes which contain nudity or fighting reflect the relax side and frame of mind of the director or scenario writer. Like all the other fans of the series, I have a favourite actor, too. My favourite is the characters Lip Gallagher who is played by Jeremy Allen White and Carl Gallagher who is played by Ethan Cutkosky. Maybe, they aren’t seen in camera as much as Fiona but I have more willing to watch the series because of them.

     In conclusion, Shameless is a series appealing most of the adult people, I think. Because it has all the realities of our lives, people can see how they live in this world, including sexual life. If a person starts to watch the series, he can find a close character, at least, after second season. That’s why I advise you watching this series because of the close side to the natural life.

Reflection Task 2a

Umut Çağrı Işılak
FLE 133.02
     Today’s topic is sport. I know it is very general topic but I will talk about general sides of it. There are many kind of sports in our world and people know only some of the most known kinds of sports. The most knowns are football, basketball, volleyball and tennis. Because people spend too much money for this sports, they are famous. Maybe, the commercial side of these famous sports make them famous. In order to think about the problems of sports, we should think more specific. So, I should choose one specific sport. My decision is basketball.
     Basketball is a team play which is played by 5 main players. Because of being a team play, I think basketball teach the players so many things for life out of playing. The first thing is to know that a person can’t live without other people. Secondly, one should be healthy in order to be a well-player. That’s why basketball force people to make regular fitness and have a basis diet program. Thirdly, people use the whole body for basketball, so people learn to use the right muscles. Basketball has less mutilation risk than other sports, for example, football. However, like the other sports, basketball has disadvantages. First of them is to be far from home and family. One can have to move frequently because of his/her team. Secondly, mutilation can finish your profession life. Even if one isn’t mutilated, the profession life doesn’t last long. Many sportsman do their job until the age 35-40.

     In conclusion, basketball is a beneficial sport in many ways. Because it is a famous sport, one can really big amounts of money, but, all we know, hardworking is the most essential provision. If one thinks that he/she adapt her/himself to the intense working hours, everyone can do this sport.

Reflection Task 1

                                                            Reflection Task 1  
     When I learned that I have got a chance to get in METU, I was really happy but I had a little bit of disappointment because actually I wanted to go Boğaziçi. However, I suppose my ideas changed because I am pleased with this university right now.
     I chosed Foreign Language Education Department because of many reasons. One of them is my love about foreign languages as well as hate about mathematics. However, when I was at high school, I really wanted a new things about languages. In addition, I had a super teacher and she made me love English. Then, I wanted to be an English teacher or a translator.
     If I should talk about my department, I really love it but maybe I have to love, I don’t know. My best course now is Listening and Pronunciation because correcting my mistakes is best thing for me. The bad things is in FLE, I think; are place and Literature course because Literature is too boring for me and there is no need to talk about place.
     I have many expactations from my department, of course. Firstly, I want to have a chance for getting a job as soon as I graduate because unemployment is a big problem in this country as all we know. However, I have no worries about it for now. Secondly, chance for going abroad is really important for me because I have never gone to abroad and I think I deserve it when we compare with my interest in learning new things. I hope I can go to the country which I want.
     When the topic comes to the exams, I think exams make some press into us but we must accept the reals of life. I wish I would success and make my post graduate in here.

                                                                                                                   Umut Çağrı Işılak 

7 Ocak 2016 Perşembe












2 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi


Reflection for The Article
  This news tells us about the differences of the normal time between Turkey and other countries. All people are wondering about why Turkey didn't change its time according to the calendar. They postponed it until the election.
  I think The President knew that people who vote for him or AKP wouldn't keep up with it, because they are thought of as sheep in Turkey. They generally don't want to learn new things, and they believe dogmatics. Moreover, they don't know what happens in Turkey and ignore the things happening in Turkey, also.
  In conclusion, citizens of Turkey are seen as idiots, but they don't know we are aware of everything and the government always does nonsense things. I hope we will fix it in nearest time.





Imagine there's no homework
It's easy if you try
No home below us
Above us only carpet
Imagine all the people
Living for housework...

Imagine there's no women
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no headache too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no food
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the food...

You may say I'm a creamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the Gratis will run as one
