26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Free Reflection

Umut Çağrı Işılak
FLE 133.02
Free Reflection
Time has a definite influence over lifestyles of individuals which leads to a change of tastes to them. We all know that older generation have different hobbies as compared to their younger counterpart. However, all these are changing in today’s world because of the changing world and the developing technology.
The advancements in technology over the time has affected the lifestyles of citizens of society to a greater extent. It created many differences between the old generations and today’s generations. In the past, people hadn’t so many hobbies because people didn’t have complex things in their lives. The most complex hobbies of them are simple things for today’s people. They are the things like collecting stamps and coins, and visiting peaceful places, for example .On the contrary, these days people have many complex devices like mobile phones or other technological devices. Because of these improvements on technology, all people have become addicted to phones and computers. That’s why, they are interested in achieving higher scores on online games than their friends. Another example of the influence of the technological era is the collection and possession of electronics and other expensive things. In today’s world, even the poorest person have a smart phone, because these are become natural things for them. They want to become a part of the international culture, so they acquire such hobbies from their peers or the media, which makes them feel more acceptable and appreciated among their friends and society.

In general, society is not much aware of its interests and is imitating what they see or listen to in their atmosphere. Hobbies are an important part of a person's life, so they should be chosen and developed carefully, it can also become a profession later in life.

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